Technology made easy

Simple as dialing and pressing go!

Get the App
Being "in" the Office will never be the same again

Being flexible in your business should be easy. That's where we come in, flexible workplace communcation

Your business, your terms

Your Communications Dashboard

Anytime, anywhere have your office phone at your fingertips. Need to make a call from the office? Take a call but your currently out heading to a meeting? No problem with

Your Office, Anywhere

iPhone or Android has you covered whether you prefer iPhone or Android. We even support all your favorite tablets too!

Windows or MaC

Apps for your Desktop and Laptop has your daily workflow covered for chat, calls, and conferencing right from your desktop. Work exclusively from the web? No problem, we have a Webclient for that!

Cloud Optimzed is designed as a Cloud first technology freeing you from the confines of on-premises phones

Mobile First is truely designed as a mobile first service. Desk phones are truely optional.

No Maintenance

Sleep easy knowing that has your back. No need to worry about maintenance, updates, or changes. We take care of all that for you :).


Calls processed by


Amazing Clients





Make sure your voicemail is set

Set by Phone or Webclient

From your phone:
- Dial the voicemail number from your welcome email.
- Enter your PIN and press "#".
- Select option "9" then "8" and then "0" to record.
- Press "#" to end recording "0" to save.
From the Webclient:
- Go to "Settings" > "Greetings"
- From here you can set a greeting according to your status.

Schedule that first Audio Conference

Creating an Audio Conference

From the Webclient, iPhone and Android Apps:
- Tap / click on "Schedule Conference" (in top menu for phones).
- "Enable Annoucements" to get notified when participants join.
- Add the "Subject" and "Notes".
- Specify the preferred time.
- Hit "Create Meeting" (Webclient) or "Done" (phones) and add participants.
- Participants will receive an invitation email with an external dial-in number and a PIN.
- Internal participants will receive an email with an extension and PIN or be called. has allowed us to focus on what is important to us, our customers. Before we struggled with juggling cell phone numbers of our outside agents to clients. Now with getting our clients to our agents is simple click of a button

Jennifer McDonald - Chief Operating Officer

The McDonald Group

Moving our corporate headquarters was a big concern with us occupying our space for so long with our complex "old" phone setup. was able to not only move our phones to the cloud but take the burden off our move and expansion ever since, simple as plugging in a network cable and we were up and going.

Ryan Edwards - Owner / President

EZR Management

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